Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010

FX-603P Simulator started

With the Android version of the FX-602P Simulator finished I can now start the FX-603P Simulator which I wanted to do for quite a while.

The FX-602P is quite nice but it is missing one important feature: HEX and BIN calculations. The FX-603P has these features. It also can calculate with fractions, a distinctive feature to CASIO calculators.

The interfaces can do a lot more as well. The FP-40 printer printed 40 characters width and the RS-232 interface was able to save and load programs from plain text files. This will make it possible to edit program with a normal text editor.

So that is at least what I have planned for the FX-603P Simulator. Lets see how it all works out.

13 Kommentare:

  1. >
    hi i need that fx 603 calculator can you help me

  2. >
    Which one: The real one or the Simulator?

  3. >
    I am appreciate so much on Martin Krischik effort to develop simulator of FX603P and previously on FX602P.

  4. >
    I have many programs of CASIO FX-603P and FX-602P.
    Can I load these programs into simulator of FX603P and FX-602P ?

  5. >
    Theoretical yes. With frizelfrickes wav2bin. But I know of no one who actually did it. So typing them in is probably yor savest bed.

  6. >
    Thank you your replying.But from your replying, I think nobody could success to load programs as text file from computer.Is that right ?

  7. >
    Do you have a plan to able to loading text file in the future?

  8. >
    Text file is only possible with the 603 and that is far from finished.

  9. >
    Sure. But future might be year or two. The 602 took a full year to develop and uprading to 603 will take at least as long. And currently my day time job takes a lot of time as well.

  10. >
    I am waiting for your new version of FX-603P hopingly. But now,Can I use my programs by typing into the Simulator?

  11. >
    Which one? Currently the 602 and 603 Simulators do more or less the same. Anyway, follow the download link and just try it.

  12. >
    If I type program in 602 or 603 Simulator,this Simulator will be able to hold this program? or not ?.....Can you understand my meaning?

  13. >
    The 602 Simulator is finisched and can hold any programm. Mind you: I introduced a bug in the EXE key with the last release. I fix that ASAP.

    The 603 is a copy of the 602 with the new keyboard and display and not much more. But again: just try for yourself.
